AIDWA Demands Withdrawal of ‘Anti-Constitutional’ Notice Issued by Indian Bank to Women Candidates

The progressive women’s organisation has also demanded strict action against the executive who issued the order.

Image Courtesy: Peoples Democracy

New Delhi: The All India Democratic Women’s Association, in a statement released on Wednesday, has strongly voiced its opposition to a recent circular by the Indian Bank barring women who are pregnant for six months or more from appointment. This move comes in the wake of a similar diktat issued by the State Bank of India.

AIDWA has demanded an immediate withdrawal of the notice by Indian Bank, terming it “anti-constitutional” and one that violates provisions under the Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Act, 2017. The women’s organisation has also demanded strict action against the executive who issued the order.

The full statement has been reproduced below:


The All India Democratic Women’s Association (AIDWA) strongly condemns the decision of the Indian Bank not to appoint selected women candidates who are six or more months pregnant. This anti-women decision by the Indian Bank is similar to the one taken by the State Bank of India some months ago. The SBI had to withdraw their decision due to huge protests from various quarters.

The Indian Bank in its latest guidelines for Physical Fitness has introduced a new condition that “a woman candidate, who as a result of tests, is found to be pregnant of 12 weeks’ standing or over, should be declared as temporarily unfit until confinement is over. The candidate should be re-examined for a fitness certificate six weeks after the date of labour, subject to the production of a medical certificate of fitness from a registered medical practitioner”. The Tamil Nadu Grama Bank (TNGB) sponsored by Indian Bank has also issued similar guidelines prohibiting women with more than six months of pregnancy from joining its services and laid a condition that they would be allowed to join only after three months of delivery after medical examination.This retrograde clause is highly discriminatory to women.

As it is the work participation of women at present is lowest in the country since independence. Such instructions issued by bank managements will further adversely impact on job opportunities for women. The number of women employees in banks are dismally low at 25 percent. This circular also violates the provisions which the Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Act, 2017. There is provision related to compulsory crèche (daycare) facilities for every establishment across all sectors employing 50 or more employees. This includes the benefit that mothers are allowed to visit the crèche four times per day. Preventing women from joining the Bank due to pregnancy is a violation of their right to work.

Earlier once the female candidates had cleared the written test and interview, they had to fill up a declaration to medical examiners under a subtitle “For Female Candidates Only” that asked for details of their gynecological history. This humiliating clause had been withdrawn after protests. Bringing back such regressive steps is unacceptable. AIDWA demands the immediate withdrawal of this anti-women decision by the Indian Bank management.

AIDWA further demands action against the executive who was responsible for issuance of such retrograde circular which is anti-constitutional. It is also demanded of the Union Government to ensure that no institution discriminates against women in recruitment.

Malini Bhattacharya


Mariam Dhawale

General Secretary