Are We Naturally Inclined Towards Face to Face Conversations? Here's an Interesting Conclusion

The 'human library' points strongly in that direction

While most of Delhi was glued to their screens watching final match of the 2017 Champions Trophy cricket tournament, a venue at Connaught Place had an event going on that had nothing to do with cricket, yet was over-crowded with a line of people waiting to get in. In fact, they did not even have a single screen with the match on display. People had gathered to interact with 'Human Books' at the first ever 'Human Library' in the city. It is a space where people who have faced prejudice or have interesting stories to tell about share their experiences face-to-face with the audience there. The narrators are the books while the listeners become readers. Does this mean face-to-face conversation is really what human beings are naturally inclined towards? Or has the convenience of smart text options available in the digital world today made it easy to escape that all together and convey emotion through icons? Here, we came to an interesting conclusion.