The Benghazi Affair: Uncovering the Mystery of the Benghazi CIA Annex

Ronda Hauben

Benghazi attack on the US Consulate on September 11, 2012 "offers a relatively rare window into the on the ground actions of the US government’s clandestine operations.

These actions are the partner to the role the US government is playing in the UN Security Council and the UN in general in its efforts to turn the UN into a partner in its CIA and NATO activities."
It has now become clear that Benghazi Consulate was a cover for a large CIA operation located in what the documents now call the Annex. As a report in the
Times of London on September 14, 2012 shows, arms shipments to Islamist groups fighting the Assad Government were being made from Libya through Turkey. Benghazi CIA operations were to coordinate these shipments. Chris Stevens, then US Ambassador to Libya, had gone to Benghazi to sort out problems of how much arms which group was to be given, when the fatal attack against him took place. The US has also been involved with arms shipments to Libya earlier and now Syria using Qatar and Saudi Arabia as conduits. Though the New York Times has claimed that the proposal to arm the Syrian rebels as proposed by Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State and David Petraeus, Director, CIA was rejected by the White House, the facts show otherwise. These activities are illegal according to the international law.

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