Christopher Columbus: Genocidal Rapist and a Paedophile


The US celebrates October 14th as Columbus Day as one of its three Federal holidays, reinforcing the myth that Columbus was a “great explorer”, who “discovered” the New World, that the earth was round.

Matthew Inman, The Oatmeal's author, has put up a series of cartoons and graphics with other material that not only explodes this myth but also shows us who Columbus really was. The ugly picture that emerges is of a brutal man, who massacred the existing population of the islands (the Bahamas) where he first landed, used girls as young as nine or ten for sex and conducted mass mutilations in his hunt for gold.

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Columbus’ greed could only be satisfied with gold that the indigenous people of these islands could not give. Thus, began the story of gold-hunting, sex-slavery of young girls, rape, mass mutilations, killings and transatlantic slavery.

Inman has taken his sources “... A People's History of the United States, by Howard Zinn, and Lies My Teacher Told Me, by James W. Loewen, both of which uses primary sources such as eyewitness accounts, journal entries, and letters from Christopher Columbus himself."