CP Chandrasekhar: WTO Legitimises the Loot of Third World

C.P Chandrasekhar, while speaking at the 'National Convention in Defence of People's Rights', said that the WTO gives an authority to the developed world to appropriate wealth from third world nations. This liberalisation had started much earlier in many third world countries. It has given a chance to the corporate world to make all basic services a tradable commodity. Global finance has expanded the corporatisation in the third world by influencing their policies. He said that the ongoing WTO conference will strengthen the commodification of education, health and the other basic rights of the citizen. The financial service agreements which India is going to sign in the WTO will open the basic services to the global market, thus hampering social welfare policies. Fund cuts in the education sector is one of the prime example of this. Resistance to this policy change has already started in various countries in the form of different movements, for instance, the recent struggle of 'Occupy UGC' in India. The convention has urged the government not to go for such agreements in Nairobi.