Delhi Fights All the Odds to Make it Even

Newsclick interviewed D. Raghunandan of the Delhi Science Forum on results of the Odd-Even Scheme implemented by the Delhi Government and the way ahead. Raghu explains that the odd even scheme has been quite successful despite various critiques and questions over its implementation. The traffic congestion on the road has reduced considerably and use of the public transport has increased significantly; people are switching to public transport from private cars and are carpooling to travel. This must have an obvious effect on pollution levels also. Raghu explains that the reports in the newspapers claiming no reduction in the pollution, have not taken into account the emission of gases such as NOx, which are known to be harmful. The entire study is based only on particulate matter. 

He stresses that the scheme can be a model for the other cities in the country and would encourage the strengthening the public transport system. This is the long term solution to the problem of vehicular pollution.
