Documentary film "Fidel Anecdotes" Looks at Fidel Castro's Personal Side

The Huffington Post

The Rev. Jesse Jackson took him to church for the first time in 27 years. Home run legend Hank Aaron asked him for autographed baseballs. Literary great Gabriel Garcia Marquez gave him a copy of "Dracula" that kept him up all night reading and smuggled ingredients into the country so he could make baklava.

An international cast of luminaries who traveled to Cuba and met with Fidel Castro, as well as top members of his government and military, talk about their experiences with the man who ruled the island for 49 years in U.S. documentarian Estela Bravo's "Anecdotas Sobre Fidel," or "Fidel Anecdotes."

"You really see Fidel the man, a little more of who he is," Bravo said Thursday at a screening of her new 46-minute movie, part of Havana's annual film festival.


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