Father of the Nation Vs BJP's Poster Boy

Gandhi became an institution, Modi became a billboard.

Icon versus Con

Gandhi and Modi both outgrew their bodily forms! While Gandhi became an institution, Modi became a billboard.

PM Modi is a 'better brand' than Gandhi, says Haryana minister.

Sure, PM (Prime Megalomaniac) Modi is definitely a brand. He has successfully modelled for Jio, PayTM and now even Khadi.

So, yes, we agree Modiji, you are a brand, but Gandhi isn’t one.

Let’s not forget, Gandhiji with a bare body and lathi lead the masses into the struggle against imperialism, while Modi 'Ji' in new branded clothes (which he changes thrice a day) lead the masses into recession.

Clearly, while Mahatma Gandhi was an inspiration, Narendra Modi is a brand!