Indians Boycott HP

Hewlett Packard (HP) companies entrench Israeli oppression of Palestinian people in a myriad of ways.

Image Courtesy: teifidancer

As you read this, Gaza has been massacred by Israel yet again. The dead and injured are still being counted, as medical facilities run out of capacity. Those brutally repressed by Israel were protesters, participating in the Great March of Return that started six weeks ago. Gazans were demanding their basic right to exist and to go back to their homes, their villages on the ruins of which Israel was established rendering them refugees. The march had intensified close to Nakba Day, 15th of May, which marks 70 years since the mass ethnic cleansing of Palestinian villages and towns to establish Israel. This year it was marked by the US shifting its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, against international law and mandate.

A first step to do something to help bring an end to this decades of assault and show your solidarity is joining the global Boycott HP today- Please sign and share the pledge here.

Most of those in besieged Gaza are refugees from 1948. As they face brutal repression at the hands of Israel, it is urgent for the international community to send them a message of solidarity. For the past 12 years, Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement has been the most effective form of global solidarity to the Palestinian struggle for freedom. Israel's regime of illegal occupation, apartheid and settler colonialism is enabled and sustained by collaborative regimes and corporations. By building concrete boycott campaigns, we can isolate Israel and non-violently pressure it to respect international law and Palestinian human rights.

Hewlett Packard (HP) companies entrench Israeli oppression of Palestinian people in a myriad of ways. By providing computers to the Israeli military, that is presently running a carnage in Gaza, HP enables the illegal occupation of Palestine.  HP maintains the racist population registry that is the basis for the ID card system. This is the backbone of the the brutal segregation and apartheid imposed upon Palestinian people. HP's spin-off, DXC Technology, maintains a facility in an illegal Jewish-only settlement in West Bank thus furthering the colonisation of occupied Palestinian territories. HP truly Harms Palestinians.

By building a consumer boycott of HP, we can pressurize it to end all these contracts which sustain Israel's criminal regime over Palestinian people. The Boycott HP campaign has received a great push across the world with churches, local councils and other civil society organisations joining and taking forward the call. Most recently, the Dublin City Council broke institutional ties with Israel and with HP companies. This concrete step can be taken forward at various levels by us in India.

The first step would be to sign this petition and join the Boycott HP campaign. We can also get our schools, colleges, offices, organizations and other institutions to severe or phase out contracts with HP. If you have an HP product, make sure it is your last. Building this grassroots campaign, we would sending a concrete and meaningful message of solidarity to the protesters in Gaza and Palestinians everywhere.