Ordinance Raj: Moving Towards Autocracy

Newsclick Interviewed Paranjoy Guha Thakurta on the Ordinance spree by the BJP-led Government by-passing Parliament. Paranjoy feels that key among these are the Ordinances on Land Acquisition and raising the Cap on FDI in Insurance, both of which clearly aim to benefit the corporate class. He feels that this ploy might not succeed, however, as companies will not invest in the absence of full legislation. The Government will find it difficult to convert the Ordinances into Bills within six weeks as it lacks majority in the Upper House, and the President has already questioned the urgency involved making extension of the Ordinances problematic. There is also considerable opposition from BJP-RSS affiliates on the issues  themselves, not least because the BJP itself had taken diametrically opposite positions when the now-superseded Bills had been passed during the tenure of the earlier UPA government.