Unmasking the Media With Bhasha Singh: Lynchings an Everyday Affair in India

The manner in which mob lynchings have been normalised in today's India is beyond shocking.

The manner in which mob lynchings have been normalised in today's India is beyond shocking. India has never witnessed such acts of brutality with almost complete impunity and acceptance. The targeting of Muslims, dalits, adivasis, farmers, women and civil societies in various incidents over the last four years shows the low level of tolerance that the Modi led BJP government has for any form of dissent, for religious plurality, and for rights of co-existence for the minority communities in India. Why does the mainstream media not question these incidents and make the government answerable? India's plurality in its people, cultures, religions, occupation, languages and way of life must be celebrated and respected. Lynching can not be acceptable in any civilised society.