Why Half the Censor Board Quit: Film Certification, Autonomy and Cinematic Freedom in India Today

Newsclick spoke to Prof. Ira Bhaskar of JNU on her recent resignation from the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC). Prof. Bhaskar says that the chief reasons why she and several others quit the board were – extensive interference by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, rampant corruption and mismanagement patronized by the same ministry, and complete governmental disregard for proposals of reform. She points out how despite repeated pleas by board members for a thoroughgoing streamlining of the functioning of the CBFC, gross irregularities were allowed to continue. This led to constant erosion of the credibility of the CBFC as an institution, rendering it increasingly susceptible to political pressures. A transparent film certification process is essential for the preservation of cinematic freedom. The ongoing flooding of the CBFC with individuals openly affiliated with the BJP and the RSS is a direct threat to the right to artistic freedom in India. It is a part of the current regime’s onslaught on the space for debate and dissent.